
Henry Drummond in "The supreme gift," gives us a beautiful interpretation of Judgment, when the Son of Man descends to earth to separate his chosen:

"Right now, the big question of the human will not be: how I lived?"

The question is: "how loved?"

"We are not what we charged what we believe or what we get. In the presence of all men will be judged, and judge every man his own capacity to love. "

"No charges will be made, and the lack of Love. Make no mistake: the words that this day will not hear of theologies, not the saints will not come from the churches. Come the hungry and the poor. Do not come to creeds and doctrines; come from those that have been loved on this earth. "

"There will come bibles or prayer books; come cups water or do we give."

Ps: Enjoy Please: Ivan Lins: Começar de Novo (mpb) 

"Vai Valer a Pena começar de Novo."


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