The cry in the valley

The man decided to go in search of God. And behind the masters, who said deeply know the reasons why the universe was created, and promised to explain what God wanted mankind.
- Who taught you that? - Asked the teachers - was God himself?
Teachers say many words, but could not define exactly who taught them everything they preached to the four winds. So after a few days of learning here and there, man has moved on.
In his wanderings, finished knowing a valley where peasants claimed that in a nearby mountain, God spoke to those who approached.
And the man went to the mountain. He waited for three days fasting and praying, but God did not approach. On the fourth day, now desperate, he shouted:
- Where are you?
The echo answered:
- Where are you?
And from that moment, the man realized that God asked the same question, and that he also sought.


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