Depression and Poetry

One of these days by reading the label of a biochemical found that Prozac is more important that we poets.
However I think that if not for the love that turned pain, which eventually became depressed,
would not have given them a profession to build an artificial relief for our sorrows.
We bought her immediate relief, and we give them money, they'll probably give you the opportunity to buy an expensive gift for the woman he loves, and it will feed an achievement ...
That will turn love, which may become pain, which eventually become depressed,
and instead of drugs it will smoke a cigar and take a dose of astrong drink in the tavern of the old man who bought a book of romance written by a poet ...
which recounts the tragic love story of a bourgeois,
Just to convince yourself that was not the only one ...
had a love that turned pain, which turned out to be a depression ...
and chose to read books instead of bulls, who did not speak of compositions
chemical, but in matters of the heart.



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