
Just and Merciful Father, Creator of the Universe, cast your blessing upon your children in Thy holy Name, will run on this compound, the benefit of their brothers, your sons too. Just and Merciful Father, then allowed the spirits of Light, Brothers superior to the Angels, the Saints, the Orishas and heads of Phalanx and his lieutenants, to Caboclos Black and Old, spirits of the sea, rivers, fountains and waterfalls, all pure spirits and purified, to launch their yard on this salutary rays, their fluids regenerators, all in favor of that comes here for relief, rescue and cure for their ailments physical and spiritual. Hopefully, powerful and chief goodness, cast upon us your influenced by infusing in all of us resignation, good will and faith to we play our tasks. Guardian Angels, Guides and Shields, pour Thy influence on mediums here, so possessed of your energy, they can transmit it to others in need amparo. Spirits of light, hence the mediums for your strength so that they can pass to the brothers both need to receive it. Forces of the universe, under the action of the brothers, Guides, Protectors and Guardian Angels, will spill light, beneficial and strong in this environment, so that it is fully enlightened and purified with the removal of the disturbing elements of Earth and Space. That so be it ... "


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